“The closer one approaches to God, the simpler one becomes.”

Saint Conrad of Piacenza
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Raymond L. Burke - Patron of the Order of Malta
Excerpt: 'The Life of St. Norbert', from the Norbertine Canonesses at TOH Blog
For Lent, Let's Imagine Scripture to Refresh Our Prayer, by Elizabeth Scalia at Word on Fire
Coconut Shrimp Curry with Butternut Squash and Spinach, by Rachael Gurjar at The Kitchn
Podcast: Why Fairytales?, by Charity Hill at Bright Wings: Children's Books to Make the Heart Soar
A Single Woman, Her Brother, and Large Families, by Cecile Thompson at Human Life Review
Video: What Would You Say? Is Today's America a Racist Country?, by Ryan Bomberger at Hill Faith
KINTO Brings Playful Kids' Dinnerware to the Table with BONBO, by Vy Yang at Design Milk