"The measure of love is to love without measure."
-St. Francis de Sales

Saint Francis de Sales - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for the Restoration of Respect for Life
Winter Guide: A Gentle Winter's Light, by Carrie, Noelle, and Emily at TOH Substack (We recommend viewing on a computer to have the double page spread effect.)
A Conversation with Theology of Home About the Winter Guide, by Carrie, Noelle, and Emily at TOH Substack
Celebrities Can Afford Divorce Lawyers, But The Emotional And Social Costs Hit Everyone, by Beverly Willet at The Federalist
Podcast: Declutter Your Heart and Home with Julia Ubbenga, at Fairest Love Pod
Bishop Burbidge: IVF Presents an 'Obvious' and 'Subtle' Threat to Human Dignity, by Gina Christian at Angelus
Warm Up with the Richest, Creamiest Cup of Hot Chocolate, by Lindsey Liles at Garden & Gun
The Lessons of Fr. Paul Mankowski, by Mary Eberstadt at First Things
Woke Bishop’s Sermon Is the End Result of a Marxist Plot, by Megan Basham at Daily Wire
In the news: Podcast: If You Get the Women You Get Everybody, with Carrie Gress, by Mari Cleveland and John Gordon at The Family Room
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