"God wants you to be in the world, but so different from the world that you will change it. Get cracking."
-Mother Angelica

 Sacred Heart of Jesus - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York
School's Misgendering Rules Will Create Compliant, Fearful Children, by Noelle Mering at The Federalist
The Lost Glamour of the Department-Store Restaurant, by Anne Ewbank at Atlas ObscuraÂ
How Having a Gay Father Showed Me the Lies of Progressive Catholicism, by Katie Gillio at Crisis
Podcast: How the Eucharist Changed My Life, at The Fr. Mike Schmitz Podcast
Martha Stewart's Watermelon Salad Is So Easy That It Practically Makes Itself, by Sara Tane at Kitchna dramatic and budget kitchen redo, how
An Unintentionally Heartwarming Pro-Life Story in WaPo, by John Zmirak at The StreamÂ
A Dramatic London Kitchen Redo on a Major Budget, by Kate McGregor at Domino
First Married Couple to Be Beatified Together Featured at World Meeting of Families, by Courtney Mares