“Prayer is powerful! It fills the earth with mercy, it makes the Divine clemency pass from generation to generation; right along the course of the centuries wonderful works have been achieved through prayer.”

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini ~ Sorrowful Mysteries
Living with C.S. Lewis & His Immense Personality, by Bradley J. Birzer at The Imaginative Conservative
Journeying Through Advent with Lord of the Rings, by Katie Marquette at Born of Wonder
Pumpkin Pecan Cobbler, at The Southern Lady Cooks
The Ancient Doctrine of God's Mother, by William Hemsworth at Catholic Stand
40 Days for Life Leader Says Healing from Her Own Abortion Allows Her to Offer Hope to Others, by Anne Marie Williams at Live Action
7 Not-Your-Grandma's Quilts to Cozy Up With This Winter, by Alyssa Longobucco at FOOD52
On the Lost Art of "Paring 'em up" and its Effects on Marriage Today, by Msgr. Charles Pope at Community in Mission
Overcoming the Expectations of Postpartum Compliments, by Hannah Graham at Verily