"I see that already in this present world I am exalted above measure by the Lord. And I was not worthy nor such a one as that he should grant this to me, since I know most surely that poverty and affliction become me better than delights and riches."
-St. Patrick

Saint Martin de Porres - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory, Archbishop of WashingtonÂ
St. Martin de Porres, by Denise Trull at TOH Blog
Pecan Pie Brownies, byJessie Sheehan at The Kitchn
Men and Marriage, by Nathanael Blake at WorldÂ
'Tears Are Sign Of Love,’ Says Rector of French Sanctuary Known for Praying for the Dead, by Paulina Guzik at OSVÂ
A Charming Home in Brooklyn, by Kim at Desire to Inspire
The Powerful Friendship of the Holy Souls, by Maura Roan McKeegan at Catholic Exchange
Divided Dinner Trays (For Adults and Children), by Alexa Hotz at The Organized HomeÂ
A Short Reflection on Pain, by Msgr. Charles Pope