"Today’s society does not pray. That is why it is falling apart."
-St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Saint Pio of Pietrelcina - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, Patron of the Order of Malta
Walking with Generation Z: Steps Toward Flourishing, by Benjamin Ericksen at CWR
These Chai Spiced Cinnamon Rolls Are So Easy to Make, They’ll Become Your Favorite Fall Treat, by Nathan Hutsenpiller at Kitchn
Podcast: Did Christ Institute a Church?, at Catholic Daily Brief
Scenes from an English Community Garden: A New UK Wallpaper Collection, by Margot Guralnick at Gardenista
CatholicVote Calls for National St. Michael Novena Amid Ongoing Attacks on Churches & Pregnancy Centers, by Jacqueline Burkepile at ChurchPOP
Envisioning a Pro-Family Policy Agenda: A Statement of Principles, at EPPCÂ
I Don’t Have a Pool—So I Turned My Backyard Into a Water Park, by Deanna Kizis at Sunset
Longing After the Fleshpots, by Luke Burgis at First Things
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In the news: Podcast: Noelle Mering on the Woke Movement, at Kresta in the Afternoon