"Dear Lord...shine through me, and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Your presence in my soul."
-St. John Henry Newman

Saint John Henry Newman - Sorrowful Mysteries
Cardinal Friday: Pray and Sacrifice for Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, Patron of the Order of Malta
Archbishop Cordileone Calls Abortion Bill 'Child Sacrifice,' Urges Prayer and Fasting, by Joe Bukuras at NCR
A Dreaming Octopus’s Imagination is Revealed in Her Color-Changing Slumber, at Colossal
What Men Want and Need, by David Deavel at The Imaginative ConservativeÂ
10 Fall Soups for Instant Comfort, at SunsetÂ
The Realities of Abortion, by Kathryn Jean Lopez at The StreamÂ
How Electricity Transformed Paris and Its Artists from Degas to Manet, by Sarah Dotson at Artsy
The Impact of Church Attendance on Child Development and Family Life, by Andrew Houser at Acton
Real Simple Showhouse Full Home Tour, at Emily Henderson