"When we were little, we kept close to our mother in a dark alley or if dogs barked at us. Now, when we feel temptations of the flesh, we should run to the side of our Mother in Heaven, by realizing how she is to us, and by means of aspirations. She will defend us and lead us to the light."
-St. Josemaria Escriva

Mary, Mother of the Church/Saint Norbert - Joyful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Timothy E. Freyer, Auxiliary Bishop of Orange
Father's Day Gift Guide -- 2022, at TOH Blog
The Other Great Parenting Books, by Kathryn Butler at Desiring God
Cream Kitchen Cabinets Don't Have to Feel Dated--Just Look at These 10, by Elly Leavitt at Domino
Yes, Big Tech Are Common Carriers, by Adam Candeub and Clare Morell at Newsweek
Aperol Spritz, at The Modern Proper
Podcast: Marching Into a Post-Roe Society, with Jeanne Mancini, by Ryan T. Anderson and Alexandra DeSanctis at Life After DobbsÂ
Here Are 5 Simple Ways to Enjoy Cleaning More!, by Shifrah Combiths at Apartment Therapy
Short Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, by Philip Kosloski at Aleteia
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In the news: An Interview with Carrie Gress, by Vanessa Denha Garmo at Epiphany