"The sun penetrates crystal and makes it more dazzling. In the same way, the sanctifying Spirit indwells in souls and makes them more radiant. They become like so many powerhouses beaming grace and love around them."
-St. Basil

Saint Gregory of Narek
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop John O. Barres of Rockville Centre
The Annunciation: Our Union with Mary Modeled by Blessed Conchita Cabrera, by Kathleen Beckman at Catholic Exchange
65 Easter Cakes For The Prettiest Holiday Finale, at Southern Living
Here’s What Real Exorcists Are Saying About Russell Crowe’s Vatican Exorcist Movie, by Kevin J. Jones at CNA/CWR
Pink Paint Wainscoting Unifies a Formerly Dreary Terrace Home in London, by Grace Bernard at Dwell
4 Lessons Our Culture Can Learn from Jesus' Mom, by Thomas Griffin at The Federalist
How to Make Beautiful Silk Dyed Eggs, by Lisa Butterworth at Martha Stewart
T.S. Eliot's Still Point, by James Matthew Wilson at The New Criterion
One of the Best Ways to Walk with Moms in Need, by Elizabeth Ascik at Aleteia