"Continue seeking with cheerful seriousness. Unless He wanted you, you would not be wanting Him."
-C.S. Lewis

Saint Sabas - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop David L. Toups of Beaumont
Stillness of Advent: Why Our Souls Need Quiet to Prepare for Christmas, by Emily Malloy at NCR
A Peek Inside the Restoration of the Iconic Notre Dame Cathedral, by Jennifer Ouellette at Ars Technica
Powerful Photographs Capture Lava Destroying Parts of Iceland’s Famous Blue Lagoons, at Moss and Fog
Franciscan Monastery in Aleppo Attacked; Friars Call for Peace, by Souhail Lawand at CNA
The Owners of These Refreshed Saltbox Homes in Newfoundland Have to Hike or Boat In, by Grace Bernard at Dwell
Announcing the Winners of the 2024 Advent Poetry Contest: Listening with Mary, at Catholic Literary Arts
Pear and Blue Cheese Cornbread, by Eva Flores at Adventures in Cooking
Yes, Ronald Reagan Won The Cold War, by John Poindexter, Richard Levine, William Martin, Paula Dobriansky, Roger Robinson, Christopher Lehman, and Ken deGraffenreid at The Federalist
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In the news: The Battles Ahead and Why We Fight, by Jeff Minick at Chronicles
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Our new Sacred Heart Gift Box comes in a fun wood box tied with grosgrain ribbon.