"There is no winter without snow, no spring without sunshine, and no happiness without companions."

Saint Sebastian - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Joseph C. Bambera of Scranton
Excerpt: 'The Summa Domestica': Deciding to Be Home, by Leila Lawler at TOH Blog
'Snowflake' Bentley Exhibit, at Atlas Obscura
Science Confirms Saintly Wisdom: Reading Books [not the internet] Helps us to Pray, by Jason Craig at Catholic Exchange
The Handmade Home by a Danish Architect and Carpenter, by Niki Brantmark at My Scandinavian Home
What Secularization Did to the Self, by Angela Franks at Church Life Journal
Pork Tenderloin with Crunchy Beet Slaw, by Stacy Adimondo at Sunset
5 Ways to Manage Conflict in a Team Effectively, by Mat Apodaca at Lifehack
Why I Am Not Afraid to Bring More Children Into a Broken World, by Alexandra Davis at Public Discourse