"A joyful heart is more easily made perfect than a downcast one."
-St. Philip Neri

Saint Marcellinus & Peter - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Kevin W. Vann of Orange
The Toll of the Dwindling Birth Rate Is Far Greater Than Underpopulation, by Alexandra Davis at Public Discourse
Olive Oil Ice Cream with Fleur de Sel, by Lindsay at Love and Olive Oil
How to Welcome Jesus' Heart Into Your Home, by Lindsay Schlegel at Radiant
A Serene Helsinki Apartment by the Forest and the Sea, by Niki Brantmark at My Scandanavian Home
Fighting Critical Race Theory: The Law Is a Parent's Best Weapon, by Kimberly Hermann at Fox News
Podcast: Make Good Choices!: The Discernment Process, by Michelle and Lindsay at The Modern Lady
5 Ways to Spend Way Less Money on Travel This Summer, by Katey Laubscher at Apartment Therapy
St. Gianna: Martyr of Maternal Love, by Mary Beth Bracy at Catholic Exchange
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NEW at The Mercantile: Downloadable Prints!
With so much going on that we cannot control, this feels like the recipe for peace. The message is deep, but also a great reminder of the joy and mirth that can permeate the Christian life. We love this framed in a gallery wall, on a desk, in a dorm room...Available HERE in four colors and various sizes!