"To do God’s will until death, that is the inner heart of all holiness."
-Venerable Fulton Sheen

Saint Imelda Lambertini - Luminous Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Anthony B. Taylor of Little Rock
The Light of the Annunciation, by Carrie Gress at Knights of Columbus
9 Ideas for the Ultimate Summer Family Night at Home, by Sarah Martens at BH&G
Liz Scheier on Loving Liars, by Devorah Goldman at Public Discourse
5 Classic Films with Hidden Catholic Angles, by Shaun McAfee at NCR
Because Our Kids Deserve Better, at Catholic School Playbook
Love Western Style but Don't Want to Live in a Barn? Here Are some 'Cowboy Chic' Ideas, by Christine Lennon at Sunset
Video: The Supreme Court, the Leak, the Future of Protecting Life, with Kathryn Jean Lopez, Ryan Anderson, Carrie Severino, and Kathleen Wilson at National Review Institute
Cardinal Zen Arrested in Hong Kong on National Security Charges, at The Pillar