“Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to your word.”

Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Robert G. Casey, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago
“Hail Mary” Sung in Hebrew, Beautiful in Her Own Language, by Steve Ray at Defenders of the Catholic Faith
All About Classic Baguettes, by Martin Philip at King Arthur Baking
Podcast: Way of the Cross: Off the Shelf with Father Jeffrey Kirby, by Pete Socks at Catholic Stand
Locked-Down Women Discover True Freedom, by Suzan Sammons at Crisis
Morris & Co: 160 Iconic Years of Fabric and Wallpaper Design, by Sarah Feeley at The English Home
Experience the Resurrection with Mary in the New Film Resurrection, by Fr. Edward Looney at Catholic Exchange
On Salt and Preservation, by Beth Casteel at Dappled Things
Praying For Our Prodigals, by Patty Knap at Catholic Stand
TOH in the news: Video: Catholic Author Exposes Toxic Femininity...and Its Cure with Carrie Gress, at the John-Henry Westen Show