"The giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic God's giving, by grace, through faith, and this is not of ourselves."
-St. Nicholas

Saint Nicholas - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice Bishop John F. Doerfler of Marquette
Where Complementarity Comes Home, by John Cuddeback at Life Craft
A Collection of Cookie Recipes, at Magnolia
George Bernanos and His Last Novel, Monsieur Ouine, by Deal Hudson at The Christian Review
Wines and Mines in the Mon Valley, by Salena Zito at Pittsburgh Post Gazette
Scientists Discover Two New Minerals in Meteorite, by Simon Druker at UPI
Podcast: How to Make a Good Confession, by Eremita at Catholic Daily Brief
This 1950s Italian Bedding Style Is Back, by Julia Stevens at Domino
Fr. Josh Johnson’s Advice If You Find Yourself Assuming the Worst of Others, by Zoe Romanowsky at Aleteia