"There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the contrast."
-Charles Dickens

Saint Martina - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Mark A. Bartosic, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago
The End of Feminism: A Response to Rachel Lu, by Carrie Gress at Public Discourse
A Collection of Salad Recipes, at MagnoliaÂ
How Tolkien Influenced the Conversion to Christianity of His Friend C.S. Lewis, by Almudena MartÃnez-Bordiú at CNA/CWR
‘Bookshelf Wealth’ Might Be the Latest Design Trend—but It Will Never Go Out of Style, by Jaime Milan at Veranda
Do Good Educators ‘Impose’ on Their Students?, by John Cuddeback at Life Craft
Video: How to Discipline Your Children While Deepening Your Bond with Them, by Sherif Younes and Kevin Majeres at Optimal Work
Georgia’s K-5 ‘Social Studies’ Curriculum Is A Trojan Horse For Leftism, by Mark Bauerlein at The Federalist
 A Portrait of Jesus as the Preacher, by Msgr. Charles Pope