"Faith is like a bright ray of sun light. It enables us to see God in all things as well as all things in God."
-Saint Francis de Sales

Saint Francis Caracchiolo - Sorrowful Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Louis Kihneman III of Biloxi
Friendship in Marriage: What Really Makes a Home, by John Cuddeback at Life Craft
15 Picnic Sandwich Ideas to Enjoy Outdoors, by Kelly Vaughan and Wendy Rose Gould at Martha Stewart
Video: Is Discipleship Catholic? With Fr. Jeff Kirby, by Scott Hahn at The St. Paul Center
10 Low-Maintenance Landscaping Ideas to Makeover Your Yard, by Nafeesah Allen at Real Simple
Scrolling Alone: Smartphones and Social Atomization, by Michael Toscano at American Affairs
You're Useless, by Br. Gerard Rosario DeAngelis at Dominicana
How to Actually Get Things Checked Off Your To-Do List, by Lindsay at Crazy OrganizedÂ
The Conversion and Persecution of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Mother, by Matt Archbold at NCR
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In the news: 'Jesus Thirsts' Film “Is an Encounter with Jesus", by Jim Graves at CWR