"'What are you willing to give me to betray Him to you?' And they weighed out thirty pieces of silver to him."
-St. Matthew

Saint Vincent Ferrer
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Peter J. Jugis of Charlotte
All Novels Are About Sin, by G.M. Baker at CWR
Joseph Haydn: A Primer, by Stephen M. Klugewicz at The Imaginative Conservative
Chicken, Broccoli, and Rice Casserole, at The Modern Proper
Popular Kids Toy Company ‘Build-A-Bear’ Turns Heads with New ‘RuPaul’ Drag Queen Bear, by Gabriel Hays at Fox NewsÂ
Ptolemy's Lost Manuscript Discovered in Book Found in Medieval Abbey, by Pandora Dewan at NewsweekÂ
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Organizing Your Kitchen Pantry, by Sarah Yang at Sunset
Real Men Are Irreplaceable, by Elizabeth A. Mitchell at The Catholic Thing
The Dismas Option: Why We Shouldn’t Wait to Come Back to God, by John Clark at NCR