"You go to pray to become a bonfire, a living flame, giving light and heat."
-St. Josemaria Escriva

Saint Helena - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Archbishop George J. Lucas of Omaha
Why Afghanistan Was Consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima, by Phillip Kosloski at Aleteia
Surprisingly Flattering Shapeless Dresses, by Shana at The Mom Edit
10 Steps to Finding a Spiritual Director, by Claire Dwyer at Catholic Exchange
Simple and Good Things: 13 Ideas to Steal from a Shaker-Inspired Farm and Fermentory, by Annie Quigley at Remodelista
Mom and the Miracle of Affirmation, by Mark Judge at The StreamÂ
Dinner Begins with Corn and Tomatoes, by Jenny at Dinner, a Love Story
5 Telltale Signs You Have Too Much Stuff, by Shifrah Combiths at Apartment Therapy
Cardinal Burke's Health Has Reportedly Deteriorated, at CNA/CWR