"Light's glory is to dispel darkness. Christ has illumined you with wisdom and the fire of his presence. It has been sparked and kindled in you. Let it blaze."
-Caryll Houselander

Saint Mary Di Rosa - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Liam Cary of Baker
The Claims of Memory, by Wilfred M. McClay at First ThingsÂ
31 Healthful Breakfast Recipes for an Early Morning Boost, by Kelly Vaughan at FOOD52Â
Austrian Catholics Launch Public Rosary in Response to Lockdowns, by Jennifer Bryson at Crisis
'It's a Wonderful Life' at 75: A Christmas Lesson Left on the Cutting Room Floor, by Al Perrotta at The StreamÂ
Mature content:Â What I've Learned Rescuing My Daughter from Her Transgender Fantasy, by Charlie Jacobs at The StreamÂ
This Budding Designer Proudly Curated His Home to Grow His Social Media Following, by Kate McGregor at Domino
The Medieval Catholic Death Chant That Inspired Star Wars, Frozen, and More, by George Ryan at uCatholic
With Great Joy! Witness the Rarely-Seen Life Profession of Byzantine Nuns, by Robert Klesko at NCR