"Let’s approach Christmas with an expectant hush, rather than a last-minute rush."

Saint Peter Canisius - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Louis Kihneman IIIÂ of Biloxi
The O Antiphons: A Divine Conspiracy in an Ancient Text, by David Deavel at Amec
See How a Stager Transformed a Wood-Paneled Living Room Into a Cheerful Hangout, by Heather Bien at Apartment Therapy Â
'You Are Not Alone': New Conservative Student Newspapers Challenge Liberal Narratives on Campus, by Alexa Schwerha at The Stream
Why Watching Holiday Movies Makes Us Feel Good, According to Science, by Jennifer Billock at Mental FlossÂ
Taylor Swift and the Millenial Dilemma, by Katie Karp at Crisis
French Apple Tart: Tarte Fine aux Pommes, at David LiebovitzÂ
‘Rebuilding Notre Dame’—Highly Recommended, by Phil Lawler at Catholic Culture
Church, State, and the Common Good, by R.R. Reno at First ThingsÂ