"Eternal Trinity... mystery deep as the sea, You could give me no greater gift than the gift of Yourself. For You are a fire ever burning and never consumed, which itself consumes all the selfish love that fills my being."
-St. Catherine of Siena

Saint Maria Goretti - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Christie A. Macaluso, Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford
The Sea and the Soul, by Noelle Mering at The Institute for Human Ecology
This Hollywood Star Kissed Elvis Presley Before Becoming...a Benedictine Nun, by Olga Parda at Aleteia
The Pain and Harm of Chemical Abortions, by Kim Hayes at Pregnancy Help News
The Most Underrated Kitchen Reno Budget Saver: Used Cabinets, by Lindsey Mather and Lydia Geisel at Domino
How Childhood Innocence Strikes Terror into Drag Queens, by John Horvat at The Imaginative Conservative
Steak Bites with Sweet Potatoes, at The Modern Proper
Life, Liberty and America, by Anthony Lilles at Spiritual Direction
Air Travel Is Chaos Right Now. Here Are Some Pro Tips, by Michelle Baran at Afar