"When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty."
-Thomas Jefferson

Saint Anthony Zaccaria - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop David L. Toups of Beaumont
The Priests' Kitchen, by Kate Rossing at TOH Blog
How I Learned To Go without Good Feelings in Prayer, by Fr. Alex Wyvill at Aleteia
An Abandoned Farmhouse On Long Island Sat Untouched For Forty Years, at Explored Planet
Podcast:Â U.S. States Take Aim at the Seal of Confession ~ Eric Kniffin, at Crown and Crozier
Cold Ramen Noodle Salad, at The Modern Proper
Fewer Priests, Closing Parishes, Dropping Mass Attendance, by Russell Shaw at CWR
Europe's Secret Dyeing Formula, by Yulia Denisyuk at BBC
How to Save a Troubled Marriage: Advice From Couples Who Have Been Beyond the Brink, by Matthew McDonald at NCR