"A married woman must, when called upon, quit her devotions to God at the altar to find him in her household affairs."
-St. Frances of Rome

Saint Frances of Rome
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Joseph E. Strickland of Tyler
Bite Your Tongue! A Homily, by Msgr. Charles Pope at Community and Mission
Street Photography by Juri Nesterov Documents Ukranian Life Across Decades, by Grace Ebert at Colossal
St. Joseph, Communism and the 'Radio Tower of Babel', by K.V. Turley at NCR
How a Nonnative Speaker Overcame a Struggle to Write Scientific Papers in English, by Yunhe Tong at Science
Classic Three-Bean Chili, by Jenny at Dinner: A Love Story
Forty Days: Lent and Christ in the Desert, by Marcellino D'Ambrosio at Integrated Catholic Life
When it Comes to Houseplants, Size Matters. Do Yours Measure Up?, by Navpreet Dhillon at Sunset
WHO Calls Down Syndrome a 'Severe Birth Defect,' Blasted by Parents of Special Needs Children, by Ben Zeisloft at The Daily Wire
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