"Church architecture describes visually the idea of the sacred, which is a fundamental need of man."
-Mario Botta

Dedication of the Lateran Basilica - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice Bishop Peter J. Uglietto, Auxiliary Bishop of Boston
Dedication of St. John Lateran of Rome, by Denise Trull at TOH Blog
How I Prep a Week of Low-Carb Fall Inspired Breakfasts, Lunches, and Dinners, by Patty Catalano at Kitchn
Podcast: Forming the Will of Your Children (with Pilar Caranti), at The Fairest Love Shrine Podcast
Before and After: Our Laundry Room Make-Over, by Niki Brantmark at My Scandinavian Home
"O Valiant Hearts", by Anthony Esolen at Word & Song
America's Way Forward on Marriage, by Witherspoon Institute at Public Discourse
An Interior Designer Shares Mood-Boosting Color Schemes for Winter, by Arielle Tschinkel at Apartment Therapy
Eight Conditions of Prayer, by Kristen Van Uden at Catholic Exchange