"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see."
-Winston Churchill

Saint Peter of Alcantara - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice Bishop Robert P. Deeley of Portland in Maine
The Secret of the Bethlehem Shepherds, by Dwight Longenecker at The Imaginative Conservative
31 Best Butternut Squash Recipes for All the Fall Feels, by Kelly Vaughan at FOOD52
The Guardian Is Wrong: This is What a 9-Week Old Unborn Baby Looks Like, by Edie Heipel at CNA/CWR
How to Make Canvas Wall Art with Paint and Paper, by Megan Boettcher at BH&G
Mother Alfred and the Need for Women Religious, by Bishop Robert Barron at Angelus
Meet The Chinese ‘Taylor Swift’: A Breath Of Fresh Air In Christian Entertainment, by Tessa True at The Federalist
How the Eucharist Put an End to My ‘Rapture Anxiety’, by Carl Olson at NCR
The New Pinocchio Swaps Conscience for 'Authenticity', by Titus Techera at Acton