"Our earthly and eternal happiness depend on following our vocation without faltering."
-St. Gianna Molla

Saint Matthew - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Timothy L. Doherty of Lafayette
Feast of St. Matthew, by Denise Trull at TOH Blog
The 35 Best Gifts for Coffee Lovers, by Jesse Raub at Serious Eats
On the Great, Good Way, by Robert Royal at The Catholic Thing
Playful Touches in a Calm Swedish Home, by Niki Brantmark at My Scandanvian Home
How Alveda King Went from Having Abortions to Fighting for the Unborn, by Jordan Boyd at The Federalist
That Hideous Strength: A Prophecy for Our Times, by Mary Cuff at Crisis
The Hidden Meaning Behind the Queen’s Funeral Flowers, by Rachel Silva at Veranda
'Something Beautiful for God': New Documentary Highlights Mother Teresa's Life and Legacy, by Joseph Pronechen at NCR