"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go."

Saint Lorenzo Ruiz & Companions - Glorious Mysteries
Pray and Sacrifice for Bishop Michael A. Saporito, Auxiliary Bishop of NewarkÂ
Giant Cinnamon Roll Cake, at Sally's Baking Addiction
Do We Have the Courage to Look Behind Feminism’s Curtain?, by Carrie Gress at Walking with Purpose
To Watch a Child Suffer, by Br. Maximilian Maria Jaskowak at Dominican
Spectacular Winners of the 2021 Drone Photography Contest Capture a Bird’s-Eye View of the World, by Grace Ebert at Colossal
Texas Program Offers Real Alternatives to Abortion, by Mary Fiorito at Newsweek
Video: Justice Clarence Thomas: 2021 Tocqueville Lecture, with Notre Dame at YouTube
'Indian Botanical Art': Flowers from Canvas of Unknown Artists, by Maj Gen CS Bewli at The Tribune
My Parents Have 11 Children. Here's Why I'm Grateful to Be a Part of a Big Family., by Theresa Olohan at USA Today